Many people have a desperate yearning to find true love, that will eventually lead to marriage. The beauty and excitement of getting married is amazing, especially for women. However, most people never really examine all of the aspects that are needed to effectively make a marriage successful.
There should be a lot of personal self-reflection done before committing yourself to a marriage. Where some people go wrong, is that they expect others to bring miraculous qualities to the table, that they can’t produce themselves. Do not hold others to standards that you are incapable of manifesting or implementing on your own.
Never expect another person to fully complete you or make you happy. You must find an inner peace and acceptance within yourself, before you can allow someone else to fully contribute to your happiness. I have a question for you, do you even know what will truly make you happy? Sometimes we are our own worst critic. Let go of the negativity. Bind up low self-esteem, disappointments, failures and everything that’s hindering your progression. You must love yourself FIRST, before you can allow anyone to effectively love you!
These are a few questions that you should ask yourself before getting married.
- Why do you want to be married?
- Are you truly in love?
- Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with this person?
- Are you open to being submissive and compromising for the sake of the marriage?
- Are you holding on to any past hurts that could potentially hinder your marriage?
- Do you have any secret insecurities that need to be dealt with before the marriage?
- Are you prepared to maintain a marriage financially?
- Do you adequately save money?
- Is your credit score acceptable?
- Are you equally yoked with your partner?
- Is your religious preference the same?
- Have you identified any generational curses over your life that would hinder your marriage?
- Are you strong enough to abstain from sexual temptations from anyone besides your partner?
- Are your views on raising children the same as your partner?
- How committed are you to making this marriage last forever?
These are only a few questions to consider when preparing yourself for marriage. So, again I ask you this last question, are you ready for marriage?
-Ashley Monique